AGARTALA, July 13 (TIWN): The Bishalgarh court had recently ruled out to register case against the CPI-M MLA (Golaghati) Keshab Debbarma over fake degree row case. However, at last the Bishalgarh Police Station following the order had registered the case against Keshab under the IPC Act 420 and 193.
The court earlier hearing the case had ordered the Bishalgarh PS’s OC to register the case and submit the investigation report within 15 days.
One Mithu Pal filed a case against Debbarma in the court of the Sub-divisional Judicial Magistrate (SDJM), Bishalgarh in West Tripura district on July 4 last, alleging that the MLA had furnished divergent information regarding his educational qualification in the affidavits ahead of the state Assembly polls in 2008 and 2013.
On June 24, Leader of the Opposition, Sudip Roy Burman, had demanded the MLA’s dismissal on the charge of forgery.
Burman, one of the headed Congress MLA, said that the two affidavits which the CPI-M MLA had submitted before the state assembly elections in 2008 and 2013 are “confusing”.
The CPI-M State Secretary Bijan Dhar however told TIWN and other media that his qualification mentioned as ‘Madhyamik pass’ in the affidavit was a mistake and when the matter came to his notice, he had made another affidavit on June 30, 2014 correcting it and had sent it to the EC.
Burman had earlier unearthing the fake degree row sent a letter to the Election Commission enclosing all relevant copies for taking appropriate action against Debbarma.
Later, the ECI had empowered Burman to take legal actions against Keshab Debbarma.
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