AGARTALA, July 1(TIWN): Doctor’s day has been observed with keenness on Wednesday at Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhawan. Chief Minister Manik Sarkar, Minister Badal chowdhury Health and family welfare department, Mayor Prafullajit Sinha, M. Nagaraju, secretary for Health and family welfare department, along with other dignitaries remained present in the program.
The focus of this year's celebrations will be the principles that govern the relationship between a doctor and the patients, said Chief Minister Manik Sarkar. The observance of this day also raises awareness about the role of doctors in our daily lives, acknowledging the commitment and dedication of the medical and health care fraternity towards society. It is also a significant day for doctors as it serves as an opportunity to reflect on their career and remind themselves of medical ethics, said Chief Minister Manik Sarkar.
Addressing the program on doctor’s day, the other dignitaries on the dais also said that, however, due to unethical practices by a small percentage of doctors, faith in the medical profession, which was once considered the noblest of all, has taken a beating. In some regions, the doctor is equated with God. The doctor is, therefore, duty-bound to have a higher level of moral code of conduct than those in other professions and must understand that he/she is in a very privileged position
Wednesday marks a very special day for doctors across the country. July 1 is observed as Doctors' Day in India to honor the legendary physician and second Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr B.C. Roy whose birth and death anniversary falls on the same day.
“Doctors are also human beings. But when it comes to a doctor's professional life, they are expected to make a lot of compromises. When a doctor is on duty, he/she is supposed to be fully devoted to work. At the end of the day, we realize a doctor's life is for others,” said dignitaries on the dais.
The profession of a doctor is highly risky as even a minor mistake could drastically affect a patient's life and they are committed to serve them by all their might. The focus during the program also included discussion on healthcare issues such as proving wrong treatment in the hospitals, pushing wrong injection and many more.
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