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Demand for Dowry : Domestic violence allegation raised against husband
TIWN May 25, 2024
Demand for Dowry : Domestic violence allegation raised against husband
PHOTO : Victim Amina Khatun (27) left helpless with three children. TIWN Pic May 25, 2024

SONAMURA, May 25 (TIWN): Like many other women, 27 years old Amina Khatun remained silent for years against the extreme domestic torture upon her by her husband forced her to live in her brother’s home for 7 months with three children. At last, she spoke up against the tortures upon her.

Today, she complained to Jatrapur Police station, seeking justice.

Narrating her situation, the victim's housewife Amina Khatun (27) said that 9 to 10 years ago she was tied into marriage with Mehebub Mia in Hornia Mura village of East Noawadi Panchayat area under Rani Bazar sub-division.

After a year or two of marriage, her husband started pressuring her to bring money from her father subjecting her to extreme domestic torture.

The couple had three children but after the birth of the third child, the tortures increased.

At last she had to take shelter in her parents’ home. During this period her parents died and now she has to live with her brother’s family.

Now, Amina Khatun has spoken up and sought justice.

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