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BMS Clashed, Blocked road in Kamalpur: Vehicles stranded for hours, passengers suffer
TIWN Dec 2, 2023
BMS Clashed, Blocked road in Kamalpur: Vehicles stranded for hours, passengers suffer
PHOTO : Vehicles stranded for hours in Kamalpur. TIWN Pic Dec 2, 2023

KAMALPUR, Dec 2 (TIWN): A clash erupted between two groups of BMS in Kamalpur where two Jeep drivers were injured but police did not arrest a single person in this connection. Due to the road blockade office goers, school goers suffered for hours. A common men from the stuck vehicle row said, “I have to catch my train but this blockade seems going to cancel my trip”. “I am late for office already. God knows when the problem will be resolved. If I can’t reach in office on time, I will get the red mark beside my name”, said a private sector employee who was tense to get absent mark due to the delay for the road blockade.

On being asked, an agitator said, “We are forced to block the road as police are not arresting the culprits. Even when we complained, the police did not give us an FIR copy. So we have decided to block the road to let the administration know what is going on”.

“A driver who was carrying a patient entered the Kamalpur hospital. At that time miscreants led by Nantu Modok, Anup Ghosh, Sudip Ghosh attacked Sabda Gorh, Sudip Bhattacharjee”, said an agitator.

“We demand proper action against the culprits. Sudip Ghosh is the President now and misusing his power, some miscreants are doing all these”, said another agitator after the clash ended up with a road blockade.

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