Islamabad, Sep 23 (TIWN) Floods may or may not be God-given. Pakistan claims they are the result of climate change to which its contribution is negligible. But they seem God-sent for their political class. Those in the government have taken to globe-trotting, trying to canvas relief. They visit the very Christian world that they otherwise vilify. Nobody talks of Islamophobia and by the way, self-respect.
They are successful, and how. From the UN Secretaries-General to Hollywood star and goodwill ambassador Angelina Jolie have descended on Pakistan to express sympathy and urge the world to rush funds and material.
For long years, the world kept urging Pakistan to "do more" in fighting terrorism. Now it is pleading with the world community to "do more".
Relief diplomacy pays. For one, it takes the attention away from issues like terrorism, terror financing, and things with Pakistan that UN-mandated Financial Action Task Force (FATF) wants to scrutinize.
This diplomacy is done in style. Pakistani elite dress up in the most expensive foreign brands, incidentally produced by companies owned by the same Christians and Jews the Pakistani politicians ask their people to hate.