AGARTALA, June 27 (TIWN): Days are not far when people of Udaipur and Melaghar will have a double-lane with the Public Works department waiting for fund from Asian Development Bank (ADB), official sources confirmed here today. The ADB has already inked an agreement to face-lift the 200 km Udaipur-Melaghar via Kakraban road connecting two districts- Gomati and Sipahijala.“All necessary ground works have been done to undertake the reconstruction of Udaipur-Melaghar via Kakraban passing through the mega power plant- Palatana projectâ€, said an official of PWD here today.
The agency has already been fixed for the Rs. 69.17 crore road a Delhi-based ADB empanelled agency- Smack Construction Ltd will monitor the quality of the work. Work will kick start once the ADB releases sanctioned outlay, he said adding that the road would appear beneficial for hundreds of villagers situated Udaipura, Kakrabon and Melaghar.
As per the DPR, the road work is supposed to be completed within two years after commencement of the project. OTPC had to struggle to carry heavy equipments for its Palatana Gas Thermal Project due to poor road condition. However, the connectivity problem will be disappeared once the ADB funded road comes up, according to PWD sources.
The government has been in touch with the ADB to funding some more important roads for improvement. Currently, fund scarcity appears major problem to improve several strategic roads.
Currently, the government is focusing on improvement in road connectivity. As part of the plan, the state has already started works to face lift the Agartala-Sabroom national highway.
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