KOLKATA / AGARTALA, April 28 (TIWN): Dipa Karmakar, who recently came into the limelight after becoming the first Indian woman gymnast to qualify for Olympics, said on Wednesday that she is happy that finally the sport is getting some recognition in the country due to her exploits."I have not changed at all (after Olympic qualification), I am the same Dipa. But I am happy that I have been able to bring gymnastics to the forefront," Dipa told reporters here at an event where she was awarded by the Calcutta Sports Journalists Club's during its annual awards here on Wednesday.Her coach Bisheswar Nandi said after her achievement she has received a lot of support from everyone."The Sports Authority of India (SAI) have announced Rs.1.10 crores for her practice for the Olympics with 80 lakhs for apparatus and the rest for training abroad," he said.
Nandi also said that Dipa is likely to choose between two events -- in Turkey and Singapore -- in June as her build up to the Olympics.Dipa's favourite move is the Produnova vault which has only been completed successfully by five women gymnasts all around the world.
The Produnova vault is said to be one of the toughest ever and has a high risk of injuries but Dipa said she is not afraid of it.
"Even Rahul Dravid (of GoSports Foundation) has extended full support."
"Dipa will choose between two events. One in Turkey and the other one is in Singapore in June for her build up event ahead of Rio," he said.
The coach added that he will now work on trying to improve Dipa's best landing score of 15.04 so that she can have a better opportunity to win a medal.
"Every thing involves risk. I am not afraid of taking it. I believe whatever my coach says, he never allows me to take pressure," she added.
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