AGARTALA, May 9 (TIWN): Tripura High Court on Friday directed the Director General of Police (DGP) K. Nagaraj to take disciplinary action against Addl Superintendent of Police (SP, Unakoti) Nabadwip Jamatia and Kailasahar Police Station Officer in-charge Chabir Ahamed for violating the rules of Supreme Court and High Court on National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) Rs. 30 crore scam case.After being asked by the court on Friday as why the complaint was not registered when petitioner to HC Birajit Sinha lodged case against 17 NHM officials (Unakoti), Additional SP Nabadwip Jamatia replied that that the persons named in that complaint were not found involved in any culpable act in the inquiry. But the complaint filed by Dr. Sandeep N. Mahatme, the Mission Director, National Health Mission is specific about the misappropriation of the public fund.Earlier Congress Chief Birajit Sinha went to Kailashahar Police Station to lodge an FIR but the Police refused to register any case into the alleged scam.
Following which Sinha moved to High Court and filed a Writ Petition seeking CBI probe.High Court Justice Subhashish Talapatra on Friday hearing the case declared that the conduct of the police officers is reprehensible and they are hereby ‘censured’. ‘Censure’ be recorded in their service records, Court directed DGP K Nagaraj on Friday. A pathetic state of Tripura police under the leadership of multiple corruption tainted, CBI-Chargesheeted DGP K. Nagraj.
Addl SP Nabadwip Jamatia has further submitted that as this court has been examining the matter, they preferred not to register any case on that complaint. He has categorically contended that the complaint of the petitioner even does not clearly reveal commission of cognizable offence.
However, but the court on Friday hearing the petition filed by Congress MLA Birajit Sinha said it does not suit in the mouth of the police officers to say that the Mission Director revealed something new forming disclosure of the cognizable offence.
Because the audit reports which were enclosed with the complaint of the petitioner at the HC, provided the basis of the information by the Mission Director.
However, the HC Justice Subhashish Talapatra on Friday hearing the case declared that the conduct of the police officers is reprehensible and they are hereby ‘censured’. ‘Censure’ be recorded in their service records, Court directed DGP K Nagaraj on Friday.
Justice Talapatra mentioned " Court has no hesitation to hold that the conduct of the police officers in this case is not only regrettable but is highly illegal. But in the circumstance, this court cannot grind the time for asking them to register the case on the basis of the information/complaint filed by the petitioner.
Since according to this Court, the conduct of the police officers (the Officer-in-Charge, Kailashahar Police Station and the Addl. Superintendent of Police who is supervising the case) is reprehensible, they are hereby ‘censured’. ‘Censure’ be recorded in their service records. This order has been passed after hearing the concerned police officers.
This order has been passed after hearing the concerned police officers. Senior Advocate Pijush Kanti Biswas acted on behest of the petitioner of the case.
To see full High Court Judgement , please visit this link :
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