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73.7% back restoring Tibet's status as buffer zone between India & China
73.7% back restoring Tibet's status as buffer zone between India & China

New Delhi, Jan 21 (TIWN) Majority of the respondents of the IANS C-Voter Tibet Poll back restoring Tibet's status as a buffer zone in order to prevent border conflicts between India and China.

Responding to query on 'Do you think it is important to restore the historic status of Tibet as a buffer zone or a zone of peace in order to prevent border conflicts between India and China', 73.7 per cent of the respondents said 'Yes', 13.8 per cent said ‘No', while 12.6 per cent said they couldn't comment on the matter.  The survey included a sample size of 3,000 people spread across the country.  Gender wise, 13.4 per cent male replied they couldn't comment, 72.8 per cent agreed with the query, while 13.8 per cent said 'No'. Among females, 74.7 per cent agreed, 13.7 per cent answered in the negative, while 11.7 per cent said they couldn't comment.  Among those in the age group of 18 to 24 years, 12.0 per cent said they couldn't comment on the matter, 73.5 per cent said 'Yes', while 14.5 per cent said 'No'. In the 25-34 age group, 12.2 per cent were undecide, 72.5 per cent agreed while 15.3 per cent answered in the negative.

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