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Know What The Indian Tradition Says About The Ghosts & Spirits
Know What The Indian Tradition Says About The Ghosts & Spirits

New Delhi, June 2 (TIWN): Since time immemorial, humans have forayed into the world of paranormal. It may have come up as early people wanted better control over their lives & surroundings and delving into something beyond the natural & normal helped provide the much-needed support. Besides, the eeriness of things which lie beyond the senses has always energised and excited human mind and imagination. Well, among the various beliefs in the paranormal, the belief in ghosts and evil spirits forms a very important and controversial segment. In recent times, many scientifically thinking individuals have denied and denounced the existence of ghosts and evil spirits. However, most religious & philosophical traditions hold that ghosts and spirits are real, who are residing in a different world & they situationally influence the lives of human beings.

Are Ghosts Real? 
As per several religious traditions, the belief in ghosts and spirits is an extension of the belief in the incorporeal essence possessed by a living entity (called Soul, Spirit or Atma). They opine that belief in spirituality is incomplete without believing in heaven & hell and the world of spirits.
The Acknowledgement In Bhagavad Gita
Lord Krishna is said to have told his dearest friend Arjuna (As per the Bhagavad Gita), “Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; and those who worship Me will live with Me.” So, even the Bhagavad Gita, one of the primary scriptures in the Indian tradition has acknowledged the existence of ghosts and spirits.
Spirituality Can See Beyond The Apparent Reality
Hindu traditionalists feel that science cannot see things which are not perceived by senses, and in reality, there is much more to existence than what the eyes can see and the ears can hear. Bhagavad Gita mentions ghosts as a specific species of beings that live in a subtler dimension but have a certain amount of power to manipulate subtle matter and even in some cases gross matter. Many so-called tantrics who claim they are worshipping God actually worship such ghosts. Also, in general people who worship their departed relatives and friends could be worshipping ghosts (albeit maybe benevolent) if those departed near and dear had not attained the level of atman/Brahman realisation. Do you want better control over your life? Buy the 2019 Highlights Report. 
How Souls Become Ghosts?
In general, ghosts are degraded and unevolved people who are stuck in the subtle dimension, in a subtle body made of mind, intelligence and ego, and in general, they are quite frustrated and dangerous to deal with because their subtle body does not have gross senses that can enjoy gross matter. Therefore they can only interact with gross matter through possession of the gross body of another being, who has a weaker mind that can be controlled by a subtle parasite.
The Inappropriate Depiction In Folklore & Entertainment Industry
As per some spiritualists, popular fantasy & folklore, supported by several products of the entertainment industry, have confused the issue, and it would be useful to actually know what is meant by a ghost. Ghost is supposed to be just another species who reside in the spiritual world. But, these days ghosts are dreaded & feared (especially in horror movies) and attributed a role which in reality is not so detrimental and large.
The Various Types Of Paranormal Spirits
The tradition in India and her neighbouring countries lists the following types of the paranormal species:
A bhoot or bhut (Ghost) is a supernatural creature, usually the ghost of a deceased person, in the popular culture, literature and some ancient texts of the Indian subcontinent. Interpretations of how bhoots come into existence vary by region and community, but they are usually considered to be perturbed and restless due to some factor that prevents them from moving on (to transmigration, non-being, nirvana, or heaven or hell, depending on the tradition). This could be a violent death, unsettled matters in their lives, or simply the failure of their survivors to perform proper funerals.
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