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SEBI to auction Ravi Kiran Realty's properties to recover investors' money
SEBI to auction Ravi Kiran Realty's properties to recover investors' money

New Delhi, Nov 30 (TIWN) Securities market regulator SEBI on Tuesday said it will auction four properties of Ravi Kiran Realty India and its promoters to recover investors' money.

Inviting bids for the sale of these properties, Sebi said the auction will be conducted through online mode.

The regulator has asked the intending bidders to make their own independent enquiries regarding the measurement, nature, type, classifications, encumbrances, litigations, attachments and liabilities of the properties put on auction.

In October 2020, Sebi had announced that it will auction four properties of Ravi Kiran Realty India on November 5, last year.

The company had raised funds by issuing redeemable preference shares (RPS) to 1,176 people without complying with the public issue norms.

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