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Pilots seek settlement of outstanding dues pre-handover of Air India
Pilots seek settlement of outstanding dues pre-handover of Air India

New Delhi, Nov 11 (TIWN) The Indian Pilots Guild (IPG) has written to the Chairman and Managing Director of Air India for settling all outstanding dues with employees pre hand-over.

The IPG said this is a reminder of the company's obligation to justly settle the already promised dues. At this critical juncture where the international skies have opened up and the domestic demand is steadily rising due to the festive season, the pilots are once again being stretched beyond capacity to cover additional flights.  "We trust that you will ensure that the process of settling arrears is righteously carried out so as to not leave the employees feeling cheated. We are truly optimistic about making a fresh start with our new owners. We urge you not to exploit us employees whilst settling our arrears as that would probably lead to mass protest and industrial unrest just as the company changes hands," the IPG said.  The 2006 Wage Agreement allocated a monthly Layover Subsistence Allowance (LSA) for Captains and Co-Pilots. Over the years, 25 per cent of these amounts were held back and are still due. By definition, LSA was an allowance provided to sustain one's self on international layovers where the cost of living is exponentially higher. Pilots would spend from their own pockets on international layovers because these sums of money were not rightfully paid on time. The reimbursement of these foreign currency expenses that have been incurred for so many years is long overdue, IPG said in the letter.

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