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Govt Jobs : Tripura JRBT Merit List Publication Continues to Delay
TIWN June 10, 2024
Govt Jobs : Tripura JRBT Merit List Publication Continues to Delay
PHOTO : JRBT job aspirants demand recruitment. TIWN Pic June 10, 2024

AGARTALA, June 10 (TIWN): JRBT recruitment continue to run in bullock-cart speed. Once again the candidates were seen demonstrating in Agartala on Monday.

The job aspirant JRBT candidates placed deputation to the JRBT Director seeking to publish JRBT merit list.

The JRBT exam was held in 2020, written and viva exam have already been completed before 19th January, 2024 but the results are yet to be declared. Centering the delay of JRBT result, the candidates placed deputation.

Confront media a candidate said, “Already 4.5 months completed but the merit list has not yet been published. Few candidates met the officials before the election but they were told the merit list processing would be started after election. Now, the Election results have already been declared but the merit list is yet to be Published”. “We are requesting the Department to publish the result immediately”, said an agitating candidate.

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