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‘You Don’t Know Me! I Will Slap You and Abduct You’: Tripura Minister Ratan Lal Nath threatened a young government employee on camera
TIWN May 30, 2024
‘You Don’t Know Me! I Will Slap You and Abduct You’: Tripura Minister Ratan Lal Nath threatened a young government employee on camera
PHOTO : Minister Ratan Lal Nath placed a TSECL employee in an embarrassing situation, insulted him before all. TIWN Pic May 30, 2024

AGARTALA, May 30 (TIWN): Tripura Minister Ratan Lal Nath is once again facing controversies after he threatened a young government employee to slap him in public and to abduct him. “Don’t tell a lie to me. I will slap you. I will abduct you from here. You do not know me. I am a very bad human being,” said Ratan Lal Nath to the young employee who works for Tripura power department. The viral video on social media received massive criticism amid allegations against the Minister for failing to solve the electricity-related problems in the state. TIWN YouTube Video Link

The issue was raised after lawyers protested yesterday at West District Court after the court was cut off from power services for the last three days followed by cyclone Remal’s effect. During the protest, an argument erupted between TSECL senior manager and the advocates, and someone from the TSECL office told the Minister that lawyers locked the TSECL senior manager.

Though videos show the advocates pushing the TSECL senior employee Apu Pal into the court saying, “Tie him", but the advocates told media, they never locked or captivated the TSECL senior manager in the described way.

Moreover, 1912 which is the customer care number hardly responds to public calls and keeps the phone busy. This is a general allegation against TSECL and yesterday even TSECL senior manager Apu Pal failed to connect to 1912 after he dialed from his phone. All these created chaos on the court premises.

Followed by the incident, the Minister met TSECL employees. Most likely, during that time, he created a controversial situation by threatening an employee to slap him and kidnap him.

No clarification or apology came from the Minister.

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