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12,000 Job aspirants in Tripura Wait for Exam Dates for Jail Police Recruitment for last 3 Years ; Protested outside Tripura Police Headquarters
TIWN June 10, 2024
12,000 Job aspirants in Tripura Wait for Exam Dates for Jail Police Recruitment for last 3 Years ; Protested outside Tripura Police Headquarters
PHOTO : Job aspirants demand recruitment. TIWN Pic June 10, 2024

AGARTALA, June 10 (TIWN): Job Aspirants on Monday knocked at IG Office to place deputation seeking declaration of the pending written and viva exam dates for Jail Police.

Jail police’s Physical Tests were conducted two years ago but the department has yet not taken the written and viva exams despite crossing three years. After a long wait, the Job Aspirants came to IG Office to place deputation but the police allegedly stopped them from placing the Deputation.

The job Aspirants said that they took permission on 7th June for the deputation program and they were permitted to place a deputation but the officials today returned them.

Total 12,000 candidates have been waiting for the past two years to appear in the written and viva exam of Jail Police.

On Monday around 30 candidates came from various parts of the state to place the Deputation. 

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