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‘CPI-M gave jobs to 10323 with irregularities and Congress filed cases in Court’ : CM blames CPI-M & Congress both for 10323 teachers’ situation
TIWN April 13, 2024
‘CPI-M gave jobs to 10323 with irregularities and Congress filed cases in Court’ : CM blames CPI-M & Congress both for 10323 teachers’ situation
PHOTO : CM addressing Shantipara rally in Agartala. TIWN Pic April 13, 2024

AGARTALA, April 13 (TIWN): Amid the death toll of 10323 teachers raised to 169 after death of another terminated teacher Varun Debbarma, CM Dr Manik Saha said, it’s Congress who is responsible for filing cases against the 10323 teachers’ recruitment and time to time, the Congress filed many cases against the jobs.

“The CPI-M gave jobs to 10323 teachers and the Congress filed cases. In recruitment, the CPI-M government did not follow rules and regulations, and then the Congress filed cases,” said CM.

“But now, both parties are jointly contesting in election,” said Dr. Manik Saha.

CM also took a dig at both the opposition parties, saying, how amid so many murders, violence occurred between two parties, both are now together ?

“I wonder, how could they align. This day had to be seen!” added CM.

CM was addressing Shantipara public gathering as a part of campaign for the West Tripura seat in presence of BJP supporters.

“Often my journalist brothers ask me, what is our biggest challenge in this poll. I say, the biggest challenge is not the opposition but the percentage (%) of vote sharing by our party to win the election,” said Dr Saha.

CM further advised BJP kariyakartas to aware people of the government schemes that were launched for the people’s benefit.



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